Award - Tina

On Tuesday, October 8, 2024

MSgt Pete Pallas, U.S. Air Force (Retired), a representative from the United States Department of Defense (Employment Support of the Guard and Reserve Division), attended the Alternative Educational Academy of Iosco County Board of Education Meeting to present Tina Williams, Director of the AEA, with the Employer Patriot Award. Katie Nimcheski, Asst. Director of AEA and a Chaplain (Captain) in the U.S. Army Reserves, nominated Tina Williams for this award which recognizes employers who go above and beyond in supporting their Guard and Reserve employees and their families. Superintendent, James Cain, was also presented with an Employer Statement of Support Pledge, acknowledging the additional support of Iosco RESA. These Department of Defense awards honor the employers who make sacrifices for our Guard and Reserve Soldiers, which ultimately helps to secure our national defense.

James Cain, Superintendent Iosco RESA
MSgt Pete Pallas, U.S. Air Force (Retired)

Award - Tina
Tina Williams, Director of AEA’s
Katie Nimcheski, Asst. Director AEA of Iosco
MSgt Pete Pallas, U.S. Air Force (Retired)